They don't call me 'The Master of the Understated' for nothing, you know.
I've started to think that the Internet might be around for a while.
I'm 43 and when I'm pondering technological advancement (yes, I really do sometimes...) I find it quite useful to compare the rapid changes in technology with how I've been forced to adapt since leaving school 27 years ago. My secondary school had one (that's 1!!!!!!!!!) computer. And only the clever kids got to touch it. I was not a clever kid. So, unsurprisngly, I decided that computers were not for me and I decided to dig holes and put trees in them instead.
But then I got ideas above my station and decided to go to University. And because I finished in 1998 the Internet was really only in its toddler stages; you know - falling down a lot, limited vocabulary and quite slow and needy. Hence, I managed to avoid technology again.
And then a short 4 years later I started my Masters and every single meaningful thing I did for the course was online. I'd estimate 90% of my research was online, most of the forms I filled in to access resources were online. I communicated with other people on the course via discussion boards. Whereas 4 years previously we'd have met in the pub to discuss projects. Okay, so maybe it wasn't
all progress...
So I basically have two points.
1) Considering how fast we've needed to adapt to the juggernaut of new technologies I'm amazed that so few people seem to be freaking out.
2) If you're one of those people who feels they're capable of breaking the Internet into little pieces by just looking at a computer I know how you feel.
If you've read everything above you deserve a reward.
here's a video showing how big the Internet is.