Referencing. It's a bit like cleaning the toilet or family get togethers - it's not pleasant but we have to do it now and again.
I am aware that I confused a few people recently by suggesting you could reference a TV programme (the confusion came from whether you needed to have a recording of said TV programme - and according to our
Big Book of Referencing it turns out you don't), for which I apologise.
Look. Nobody likes referencing - well apart from one librarian I once met on a course who said a well constructed reference list was 'beautiful', but I suspect he needed help. I don't think anybody 'well adjusted' likes referencing. Just remember that anything
can be referenced, be it an email, a tweet or a TV programme.
The bulk of your references will come from books (if you're year 1) or books and journals (if you're year 2, 3 or above), but there's nothing wrong with including other material so long as it's relevant to the overall point you're making. If you're really unsure about referencing try and secure yourself a copy of
Cite Them Right which is the book I use.
But if you find yourself reading it for enjoyment only two explanations present themselves;
1) It's 3am, you've been awake for 30 hours straight and you've lost all sense of proportion
2) Your inner librarian is winning the battle for your soul.
I'll let you decide which scenario is more terrifying.