Last year I ran fortnightly workshops which was open to all.
Apart from a few super-keen students who came along regularly, I saw neither hide nor hair of any of you.
This year will be different.
My plan is simply that I promote these things until you give in and come along.
This is what's going to happen; roughly every two week I'll sit in Training Room 1 waiting for you to turn up and ask me things. I'll then answer those things and you'll go away happier and more informed.
The pragmatic thinking behind this is quite simple; there's too many of you for me to fit into my working week as individual appointments. The workshops will allow me to answer similar inquiries and hopefully satisfy more students.
The more fluffy thinking is that I want you to feel more empowered by what you're studying.
That comes from knowing what you're doing, knowing the tricks (and they are tricks) to being a student and getting the most for WHAT YOU'VE PAYED FOR.
The first few workshops will run on the following days at 2pm in Training Room 1 in the LRC:
November 5th.
November 19th.
December 3rd.
December 17th.
It doesn't matter whether you're 2nd year undergrad or final year postgrad, just come along at any point between 2pm and 3pm and I'll do my best to answer your questions.
One final thing that'll be different from last year - I now regularly bake muffins so I promise a selection will be available for each workshop. See? Now you're interested...
Can economic growth still make us happy?
2 hours ago