Occasionally when you're given assignments and projects to write it happens to coincide with the issue in question being particularly in the public eye. The welfare state is just such a topic at the moment. Whether you're currently studying the welfare state or not, I would like to recommend a couple of things which may help with getting to grips with what can be a tricky concept.
The first is a programme about the future of the welfare state being broadcast on BBC2 this Thursday (27th October) at 9pm. It's presented by John Humphreys, one of our more combative political journalists so it should be interesting TV. You can find a preview of the show on the
BBC website.
Whilst you could reference a TV programme in an assignment if you wished, I would recommend reading a few books as well! We have a good selection of e-books that cover different aspects of the welfare state, but one in particular is well suited to an assignment asking you to compare welfare systems of different countries. 'Welfare States and the Future (2005) by Kurian and Vivekanandan is a good starting point for such an undertaking, although do bear in mind that it was written before the coalition government came to power. Click
here to access the e-book login screen.
Let me know if you'd like more information on anything to do with getting the best from the e-books or referencing everything from a TV programme to a telephone conversation - I recently had to find out how to reference a Facebook update so now I know for certain that anything is possible!