
Tuesday 19 March 2013

Ignorance-based practice.

I've decided to invent a research approach.

If Dave Questionnaire and Mary Quantitative can do it then so can I. So I've decided on Ignorance-Based Practice (or IBP for short). It's partly based on closing my eyes and pointing at things and partly based on how Michael Gove appears to construct education policy.

The most important element, as opposed to Evidence-Based Practice, is that there's no good quality research available to back up any decision I make about anything I do from one minute to the next. Using evidence to make decisions is just so 2005 don't you think? It was so much better when doctors just tried things out and waited to see what happened. Sometimes people died, but not often.
Well not always anyway.
And the alternative was about sharing something called 'best practice' which frankly sounds like something Olympic athletes should be bothered about.

So until I write my book on IBP (I think 'Ignorance is Bliss' has a nice ring to it) you might have to make do with all the evidence based stuff instead. I suppose you could have a look here if you'd  like an entertaining, enlightening, explanation of what evidence based practice is.

But don't forget to buy my book when it comes out.


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