
Tuesday 2 October 2012

Welcome back.

Hello again. You're looking fabulous after a good break I see.

After a summer of swanning around the south of France with kings, knaves and Lana Del Ray I suppose it's about time I got back to work myself. Sorry the blogging has been quiet in the last few months. The genuine reason is that with many of you not around I decided to work on other projects for a while.

But I'll be sending out posts regularly again from this week onwards. Many of these will certainly mention DISCOVER. I want you to learn to love DISCOVER. Not just like it, but truly love it. Because the old library catalogue is no more and DISCOVER is so much better. I know that 'new and improved' often means 'new and about the same, but more expensive'. Well in this case I really do think DISCOVER has made searching for information easier.

If you haven't had a go yet then DISCOVER can be found here. You'll need to use your log in as it contains journals as well as books and everything else we have electronic access to.

If you're reading this you're probably a second or final year student. Which also means you'll be used to searching the databases one at a time. And that's where DISCOVER wins. Not just wins, but wins and gloats about it by singing "I AM THE CHAMPION" at unedifying volume. Because DISCOVER searches all the databases at the same time and that's even better than two weeks in France with Lana Del Ray.

Trust me. I should know.

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