
Tuesday 8 January 2013

Important News: E-Books on demand is now live

It is good to be able to tell you about new developments, especially when I know it's going to potentially make a lot of people happy.

Well this is one of those occasions, so forgive me if that sound you can hear in the distance is the library blowing its own trumpet.

We've given you, dear student, a load of book money to use as YOU see fit.

Here's how it works; for a limited period (basically this means until the money runs out...) you'll see e-books on Dawsonera that you can rent, alongside the e-books that we've already bought. The screenshot below shows you how it will look.

The books that have the purple 'Request Rental' tab are the books you can rent for 7 days. The thing is, if 3 people rent the same book it automatically gets bought. Forever. Which is nice. I'm going to be visiting as many lectures as possible to promote this over the next few weeks and show you exactly how to access what's on offer, because I want you to get as much benefit as possible from the service.

That's it really. If you have any questions about E-books on Demand at this stage just ask.

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